Little stories and muses of a couple raising two girls, Ella Caroline and Airlie Jane.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
What's My Name?
Ella: What letter is that, Mommy?
Mommy: You know what letter that is. What's Mommy's name?
Ella: Majoli?
Mommy: No...that's our last name...what's Mommy's first name?
Ella: Aunt Dina!
Snow 2010!
We've been threatened with snow a few times this year but Friday the 12th of February ushered in the real thing.
It started snowing at our house around one or two in the afternoon and quickly started accumulating. By around 5:00 Ella and I were outside building snowmen. She really loves the snow and we had a lot of fun. I should note, Airlie was napping.
The snow continued until late in the last check it was still snowing around midnight.
I was due in to work at 6 a.m. but a colleague (whom I'm indebted to) was working late Friday and opted to stay at a downtown hotel and take the early shift so I could come in at noon, after most of the snow on the roads had turned to water or mush.
I'd say we had around three or four inches of good snow and it was a wonderful treat! Now...I'm done with the cold...bring on Spring!
Who Dat? Superbowl Party!
Valentine's Party
I made matching t-shirts for Ella and me. Being responsible for the food in an "allergy" classroom I made heart-shaped bread sticks, sweet potato muffins and a medley of chopped bananas and strawberries. The kids had crafts, provided by another mom, and we played Valentine's picture Bingo! Every child won! Then another mom made pink cupcakes and we finished the party with some Valentine's books I'd picked up at the library. Of course the kids exchanged valentines and we're now inundated with more sugar and candy crap...but it was a fun party after all!
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Nine Month Pictures
We did this with Ella in California and they turned out so cute. The big difference with Airlie's is we got to use several family heirlooms and antiques. Obviously, aside from a step-stool that Grandmom Majoli made, we didn't have any of those things in L.A.
We used a trunk and hat that belonged to my great-grandmother, Sarah. Beads that belonged to Matt's grandmothers, Albina and Mary. A jug that used to be on Matt's mother's farm and a chair that belonged to Granddad's sister. The boa and tutu were just too cute...and posed Ella is them for her pictures.
If you're in the Atlanta area and you need family, individual or wedding portraits please consider using this photographer...he's great. He'll even bring his "studio" to your house!
Check them out!
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Do As I Say...Not As I Do
I explained, "Of course she does. She watches all of us. That's how she learns. Which is why we have to be careful of our actions. We need to teach her how to be well behaved and mannerly."
Quiet for a few moments.
"I have a great idea, Mommy," Ella exclaimed. "When AJ gets a tiny bit older I'll tell her not to do my actions!"
Monday, February 01, 2010
The Problem with Puffs
Smack Down
Grandmom's Dress, Year Four
Hair Do!
Busy Bakers
Back to the Rockies
Our view in Steamboat
And Henry...ready for sledding in Fort Collins
Annabel reads a bedtime story to all the kids
I guess you could say it's becoming a wonderful tradition. A couple of years ago our good friends the Morgensteins organized a trip to Steamboat Springs, Colorado. They rented a townhouse that slept somewhere around a dozen and invited friends and family to drop in and out throughout one week in January as the schedules and finances saw fit. We took them up on it then, when Ella was just two and we joined them again this year.
Airlie Jane's first flight went off without a hitch. She fussed for a grand total of maybe 20 minutes. Which seems like forever when it's your kid but it truly wasn't bad.