
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Projects Time!!

It must be what they call it at school...whenever Ella and I play with play-dough or draw or paint or put together princess castles made of foam...Ella excitedly claps her hands and says, "Yay, projects time!"

She's pretty creative and really gets into it. Recently we built the aforementioned princess castle and we made a matching crown, necklace and bracelet. There's something inspiring to me about a crafts store...until I'm actually in the midst of glue and directions and insanity.

They turned out nicely and Ella enjoyed showing them off for the camera. And now...Cinderella and her other figurines have a home.

Yesterday we were playing with her little play-dough factory. I was manufacturing balls while she pressed them into the smiley face mold. When we had easily made 20 of the little grinning globs...Ella picked up two of the blue little faces and proclaimed they were sad and crying. I asked why. "Because they're blue," she said. Really? Does she already get that correlation/meaning? It's amazing to me what they pick up on.

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