
Thursday, October 05, 2006

More Teeth

Ella's getting two more bottom teeth at the same time and the fourth top one is trying to break through -- needless to say life has been challenging. However, my sister-in-law Durene suggested we switch from Tylenol to Motrin and it really has made a difference. And -- with the confidence of a more seasoned mother, my friend LeAnne admonished, "those new teeth are mean." Yes, they are!

The latest and cutest new thing she's doing is imitating us when we eat -- particularly the chewing action. When we rarely have a meal together during Ella's waking hours -- she watches us from the comforts of her exersaucer or high chair. Paying close attention -- she starts moving her mouth like a hungry calf who has just happened upon a lush patch of clover. Is that what we look like?

She's also cruising now. For those who are not "in the know" (as I was just 9 short months ago) that means she's pulling to a stand and then walking (often sideways) while holding on to something. She's becoming a pro on the coffee table.

Today we're headed to the costume store to get the "family" costume. Yes we're going to be that family. And maybe to the YMCA -- but I've been having a problem with my equalibrium and am not sure if it's best I get on a treadmill.

Later today Uncle Richard's girlfriend, Nassim is coming for a visit. She's in town on business and should arrive shortly after Ella's dinner and before her bath. That's usually a fun time. After Ella's nods off to sleepy time we'll have dinner and that should be nice. We'll take pictures and post them, hopefully tomorrow.

1 comment:

Carey said...

I feel your pain. I had vertigo in July and was out of work for two weeks. Could not even bend over to pick Greta up (check out the late-July/early August blog entries). The docs put me on hefty antibiotics, meclazine (antivert), and some other things. I am still doing follow-up with the neurologist, and actually had an MRI on Tuesday. What fun! Hope you feel better soon.