Ella was taking a shower with Daddy the other day. This is a common occurrence for she and I, especially when Daddy's out of town. She's learned all about my anatomy but Daddy's is a new discovery for her. It seems like suddenly she's realizing...
he's different.
So as they were showering she asked, "what's that?" To which Matthew yelled out to me, "Dean...she's asking what
that is!"
To which I responded, "grow up and tell her it's your penis!"
So he did. I listened as he explained that Mommy and Ella have vaginae and he has a penis.
A few days later we're having stir fried veggies over rice. Ella finished eating and got up in my lap for seconds. We were pointing out the peppers, onions, mushrooms and so on. She then made the observation, "that pepper looks like a peanut!" And indeed it did. Then without missing a beat she asked, "Daddy, you have a peanut in your pants?"
What can you do but laugh? And of course say yes.
Now whenever Matt comes out of the potty, she asks, "Daddy you went pee pee in the potty with your peanut?"