
Saturday, September 15, 2007


At nearly 21 months Ella is starting to pick up on little things about the human anatomy. For instance, she's quite interested in my boobies. I try not to be awkward about her touching them, pointing at them, hitting them. And when I point out she also has boobies -- one thing is quite clear about what her little brain is processing, Ella's boobies don't yet look like my boobies. Twice we've found her trying to rememdy this. Once, Matt caught her trying to put tennis balls in her shirt, sticking out her tummy in an attempt to keep them in place. Another time, I rounded the corner while doing laundry and found her wadding up fabric sheets and putting them in the top of her shirt. She seemed quite proud of her little lop-sided humps.

Yes...we are in trouble.

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