
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Doh! Outsmarted!!

Each week Ella brings home a vocabulary word/flashcard from school. Most of the time it's simple things she already knows like ball, flower, etc. Which is why we were stumped one week when she seemed to struggle with the word caterpillar. She has pointed them out in nature and in all of her books that feature caterpillars, butterflies, dragonflies, and everything else that flies or will someday fly.

We would say, "Ella, what is this?" She would answer, "snake!" O.K. I can see how a worm could be confused with a snake, especially in picture form presented to a two year old. Over and over all week long we had this same exchange. Then by week's end, she enlightened us. Daddy asked again, "Ella, what is this?" She replied, "snake!" "No..." he started, then she interrupted, "It's a caterpillar, his name is snake!"

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