
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Airlie Update!

Our little sweetie is 8 1/2 months old. I can't believe the better part of her first year is over!!

She's a happy 18 pounds and showing no interest in crawling. She's sitting up on her own, for the most part and is happy to sit in the floor and play with her toys or watch Ella dance around like a princess...or fairy...or a mermaid princess with wings...I lose track by the day.

She doesn't fuss much unless she's tired or hungry or has a stinker in her diaper...but who could blame her on that one. In fact...she had two ear infections in December and I did not detect either of them...Mother of the Year...I know!

Here's one of my favorite pictures of her from Christmas...her first. She was so sweet and just sat playing with her toys all morning.

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