
Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A Strange New Game

After a serious scolding for throwing something off the second floor banister into the foyer down below, Ella and I were talking (okay I was talking) about why throwing is not acceptable. She sat in my lap as I explained why she had gotten in trouble. Then she began bringing me throw pillows from my bedroom. She placed them in my lap and then sat down. I thought maybe she just wanted to be more comfortable. Then once all the pillows had been stacked on top of me she moved on to stuffed animals. By the time it was all over Elmo's hand was up my nose and part of the train track was stabbing my throat. She then seemed pleased and walked away to play elsewhere. I slowly pushed the pile away and removed myself from beneath the rubble of toys and broken tracks. Sometimes you wonder what inspires them. I think perhaps she reasoned with herself that if mommy's unable to move, she can throw things until the cows come home.

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