
Thursday, April 09, 2009

She did what?

Okay...full disclosure...get out your barf bag.

Yesterday was a fun-filled day of poop "incidents". If nature is trying to get me ready for the endless amounts of poop that will soon come with baby A.J. this was definitely the warm-up!!

We've been trying to teach Ella to get up in the morning, go potty, take off her pull-up and put on panties. She only wears pull-ups at night simply because I haven't the heart or energy to deal with the endless changing of sheets.

The other I waddled downstairs to make our breakfast I instructed Ella to take off her pull up and put on panties before coming down to eat. Ten minutes later, still no Ella. This is not unusual because she's easily distracted. Still I called her downstairs. First she lied about taking off the pull up...upstairs again. Then she came downstairs with panties but no pants. Finally the third time was the charm.

After breakfast I went upstairs to make her bed and discovered a little trail of brown dots on her carpet. A quick whiff assured me of its source. I went into the bathroom where I found evidence of a poop -- clearly tended to by a three year old. Of course she doesn't do the best job of "getting clean" so when she sat down in the floor to put on her panties...apparently scooting a bit in her effort... the pooh left a little trail on the carpet!! Thank goodness for wipes...those things clean up everything.

Then...after nap time we went over to play with Ava. Kelly and I sat outside enjoying the nice sunshine while the girls played in the side yard. At one point Ava said Ella was pulling her pants down. We didn't think much of it.

A bit later...and I can't remember what brought this to my attention...I found Ella struggling to pull up her pants. She was covered in pee. She and Ava have gone on "pee in the yard" adventures before and usually they just end up watering the lawn...not their clothing. As I pulled up her pants I caught a scent that created a wave of nausea...poop. I checked and sure enough she had pooped...but where? the yard. But why was it mushed flat. Oh Gosh! Her shoes. She had stepped in it. So with pee pee soaked jeans and poop caked shoes we said thanks for playing and went strip down and start yet another load of wash.


Michelle said...

Oh no! She's really going to love these stories in about 12 years.

Rob said...

Awesome! Really can't beat poo stories. Good luck with No. 2!