She was born April 23rd (her due date was May 4th) at 7:46 a.m. A.J. weighed 6 pounds 2 ounces and was 18 inches long. She is a tiny little thing! So far she's been a pretty good eater and sleeper, unlike her big sis. She nurses every two hours or so during the day and goes every 3-4 hours overnight!!
It's hard to say who she looks like at this point. She has dark hair, my head shape, my nose, mouth and chin and she has Matthew's eye shape and brow line. Oh, and she has those darned long skinny feet. At least I can start spending more on those high priced narrow shoes for Ella...seeing as they'll be handed down.
We had a wonderful hospital experience. A planned c-section beats the heck out of laboring for nearly 24 hours and then getting the cut -- that's what happened with Ella. The only negative...the drugs for pain they put in the spinal made me puke for two hours after delivery!!
Returning home has had it's ups and downs. When I had a c-section in California with Ella we lived in a small one story bungalow and I could walk to the grocery store. Here in suburban Atlanta one must drive everywhere and most houses...including ours...are two stories. The doctors say I'm not supposed to drive, go up and down the stairs (more than once a day) or pick up anything heavier than the baby for six weeks. It's going to be a long and difficult six weeks.
Both moms have pitched-in, taking turns helping us. But...that ends in a few days and we'll be on our own. Fortunately, Matt isn't traveling until after my six week check-up. Whew! By then the neighborhood pool will not only be will hopefully be warm. That will keep Miss Ella busy...that is if this relentless rain lets up for a few hours a day.
Speaking of Ella...she's having a tough time adjusting. It doesn't help that she decided to drop her nap the same week we brought Airlie Jane home from the hospital. She's been having massive meltdowns during which she screams for me. Typically she chooses to do this when I'm nursing or unable to appease her pleading.
She's also been acting out and pushing buttons. Everyone says this is normal and it will pass but no one can give me a time frame. Ella has been very sweet to the baby so far and seems more than eager to help with her. She's just being a little butt when it comes to Mommy and Daddy. Oh well...we did just deliberately turn her world, Ella's World, upside down.
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