I quickly busied myself with disposing of the dirty diaper, etc. A few minutes later I noticed Ella was running around again and calling my name. I figured this was just her usual, Mommy I'm running around without a diaper and you can't catch me routine. So I mostly ignored her and picked up a few toys. Then I went into her bathroom to get something out of the linen closet. She was standing proudly over her potty. I did a double take. There was about half an inch of the yellow stuff inside the potty.
I can't believe how excited I was. Truly, it's crazy to think how exhilarating that moment was. I did a dance, clapped my hands, said good job about 100 times. I called Daddy who was not home at the time and called all the grandparents. Ella told all of them, "Ella went poo poo in the potty!" I jumped in for a quick edit, "she meant to say pee pee."
After much excitement and congratulations we went downstairs and prepared ice cream with chocolate syrup and sprinkles!!
After much excitement and congratulations we went downstairs and prepared ice cream with chocolate syrup and sprinkles!!
There's a definite trend in child rearing -- from an intense focus on sleep habits to a fascination with urine and feces to _____ (somebody with older toddlers please chime in!)
Sleep, Eat, Poop, Pee -Repeat. What else is there? I just wish that kids would learn to do these things themselves in reverse order. Then again, it is nice they also know how to wash their hands first!
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